Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Just came back not long ago.I was at school doing some homework.There is suppose to be SSS for Combined Humans today,but is was cancelled.Anyway,there will be SSS for Chemistry tomorrow,so yup...will be back late.
Haha,after school today,Jinxing,Zi Ling and QingYuan joined Jun Qi and me at the concourse to continue their homework after doing some at class.Then Jinxing ask Ms Thomas some question on summary writing.Then dunno how come talk talk,talk until dogs.Then we started some crazy jokes.Wa lao eh,i laugh until my stomach pain.Lol,we were joking about _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.Hmmm,slowly guess ba,haha!.It has been very long since we sit down toget
her and have fun.Very happy today.Haha!
Anyway still left summary homework undone, got to go now...Bye Bye!