Thursday, January 22, 2009
So sorry,unable to post yesterday as i was unwell.Luckily i felt better today then can go school.Haha...yesterday had Chem Mock Exam,and today got Physics Mock Exam.I think i would get a good result for Chem,but not for Physics i guess.I believe the good thing about mock exam is that it allows you to identify your weaker topics,so you can concentrate more on them(right??).
way,if you think that this is the end of a busy week,then you are wrong,i still have POA test tomorrow.This week is like test test test every other,luckily A.maths is being postponed after CNY,if not i dunno how to cope man!Anyway,i got back
the geog test today,haiz only got 8/14,i just dunno what went wrong,i guess i am just not clear about the chapter on Map Reading.As you see, i am very poor in finding those features and infrastructure on the map,+ the diagram on the map so tiny,and i don't have microscopic eyes,how to find the features required?
But hor there are friends in my class who can still surprisingly see those tiny tiny figures and they did well,,1 of them is Edbert.How did they mange to do it?I am really puzzled!Haha,but i admit that i was unsure abt sketching the cross maybe its time for me to cha
nge my spectacles?.Alright i guess i got to stop here for today,i need to prepare for the POA test tomorrow.Oh yeah!,tomorrow is sort of a half-day school ,as we are having CNY celebration after recess at 11.05am.Will update with more tomorrow .Thanks for viewing!