Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Hi all,so sorry for not posting yesterday.I had a tiring day yesterday.It was like rushing through everything in one day.Everybody seems to have taken the "choo choo train" medicine.Came back at 6.30pm,and i was already half -dead.
Furthermore yesterday is just the start of the 1st SSS,and i am already feeling exhausted,Phew!...how?.Surprisingly,it was the fast pace lesson yesterday that cause me to tire-out,and not the SSS.Hahas,hope the teachers could slow down abit.
Anyway,today i got back my A.Maths and Physics test.lol,i pass both,but 1 good the other bad.Physics is the latter.Got only 28/50 for Physics,and 35/40 for A.Maths.I guess i need to work and focus more and Physics,as i believe that it is also 1 of my weak subject.

By the way,congrats to Jun Qi for topping maths test with 38/40,and JinXing for Physics with 36/50.For my other classmates,all i can say is work harder,try again,and no doubt you will see the results.