Yeah!...finally the 1st prelims are over.What is done cannot be undone,just did my best and thats it...just have to wait for the results,and learn from my mistakes that i had made,and i think there is quite a lot to learn from.Hahas
Yesterday went to Sentosa with peeps for a time of fun and relaxation.We went to VivoMart to get some stuff, though we are going for some picnic.We were at Siloso beach for the whole afternoon.Previously wanted to try out the Luge,as it was $6 at student price,but we never see that it was only for weekdays,and so it was $10 for the we decide not to go for it.So,after so much fun,we headed to Thai Express for dinner at Vivo.I ate the "Thai kings specialty" laksa with minced fish gravy.Well it was delicious.Ter ate Thai Pineapple Fried rice,Jx eat soft shell crab,JJ go for black pepper chicken and Yan Ting had Seafood laksa,but the serving was the wrong one,she is being served chicken instead of seafood.But the funny thing is she had already eaten a few mouth before realising it.So the morale of the story is"Check your food before you eat them"Hahas.
At first,we left some bottles of 1.5 liters mineral water.We tried to finish them but bo pian,still left 1 bottle,and poor Yan Ting carry it.She was "begging" us to drink the water,to lighten her "burden"Hahas..."Water is good for you"she said.So each of us help to drink some and manage to finish it.Yeah!(thumbs up for that).Went to Esplanade for a walk,and some people were giving out free chipsters.Know what ter said?..he say "see what a good choice we made, to go to esplanade and got free chipsters"..wa i tell him "you so cheapskate ar,how much does that 1 packet of chipster cost you?....unless they are giving out jewelery lor,then i got nothing to say."Hahas,it was just a banter between the two of us.Then went to get some ice-cream.Then we were chit-chatting while eating.So ya,it was a wonderful day for me.Here are some pictures for your viewing.Maybe i will upload more on my next post.Take Care.

Hi Everyone,as promise,here are some photo taken during the outing.Have a great weekend.By the way,i will not be posting this whole week as i am having my prelims.Will be back after the prelims.Take Care!
From Left:JunQi,Edbert & Me
Class Photo
The Guys with Mr How

Me and Wee Sien

Group Photo

The Guys!

From left:Saleem,Desmond,

A group Photo taken After the Play
So yup,..thats some of the photos taken.There is more,but they are not quite well taken,as some are to dim.Alright so thats all for this post.Hope you enjoy them.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Hi all,...its been more than a week since i had posted.I had been having outings these few days,so had been reaching home rather late.Went to watch a play at the DBS Arts Centre on Sunday night.It was called Defending The Caveman.Well it was a hilarious and interesting play,maybe suitable for a more sophisticated audience?...Hahas,anyway i enjoy the play very much.After the play,we were all looking for food.But at the end we ended up at Orchard Road eating MacDonald's...Hahas!.
Adding on,had a class outing yesterday.We were preparing to watch Kung Fu Chef,but were went to Cenileisure to play an hour of game,called left 4 dead.Wow it was violent,..think not meant for me..hahas!Then went to Orchard Shopping Centre for buffet at Sakura,a treat from Mrs Ho and Mr How,because we pass our O'level E.Maths.Thanks for the treat Mrs Ho and Mr How.I believe everyone enjoy it.Then went back to Cenileisure to play pool.
Lastly,today went to the bank with mum to update my bank book.The queue at the bank was terribly long.Waited for 30mins before being served.Then went to KFC to try the new product, snackers,..not bad.Then met Xing and Ling at the bus interchange.Going to school for POA,...can say its like a kind of revision.I joined them after having my lunch.But then we did our work for not even two hours,then the uncle ask all of us to get out as he wants to lock the shuttles,and said a lot of nasty words to us.Sorry i don't wish to say it,its really very i guess its too
offending if i write it here on the blog.So how? choice went to my house to continue lor.Haiz...what a day man!.
Alright i shall sign off for now.I will try to post some pictures taken at during the two outings ASAP.Bye bye and take care.
Came back home after school as there is no remedial lesson today.This kind of opportunity will be hard to come by later in the year,so i really appreciate today..hahas,PLUS no homework!.Wow what a good break.

So after doing some POA questions and some revision on A.Maths,i took the time to arrange and file in my whole stack of piled up papers over these two months.Really a lot of notes and worksheet given and done over these past two months.Took me about 45 mins to complete my filing.
Thats about it for today's post.Once again,i really appreciate your time in visiting my blog.Have a great day.See You soon!
Hi all!How has your week been?Hope it has been good.Hahas,just came back from tuition.Went to have lunch at AMK with my dad.The food was simply irresistible,i finish all of if you wonder what i have been doing this few days,i can't recall some of them.
Just had a lousy week overall,its like no mood to do anything,even talking to my friends seems difficult,due to my recent performance in my studies.Simply means,i have down peaked.When i can't solve questions,there comes my frustration.Mrs Ho said though i am not physically tired ,but my mind is.Which i think its quite true,i noticed that my thinking process have been slower,and i take a longer time to respond to questions during these few days.Maybe i should take a good break?
By the way,i got 22/30 for my POA..LOL,..very satisfied,i scored full marks for the accounts,but none in the theory section,as expected.No surprise,highest goes to JunQi with 25/30.Well Done.Anyway i just hope that i will be able to peak then by Prelim1.Have a good weekend,Take Care!
Hey hey,i am back.How is your day today? has been cooling and windy these few days isn't it?.No PE today cause all the PE Teachers are at the Sec 2 camp at St.John's island.Got back my A.Maths test on Modulus Function yesterday.Haiz,did not perform well.Only got 27/42.Highest goes to Jun Qi.Congrats!
There will be Physics test next Tuesday(10/3).More things to come my way.Timothy!, have got to PIAH PIAH PIAH...CHIONG CHIONG CHIONG.No choice.Hahas!
Thanks for visiting,and do come back in a few days for more updates.Take Care!
Hello,..did you notice that i have not been posting regularly?...ah ha,thats because i am have nothing to post liao..unless something special...if not its like a routine everyday...don't you think so? of that.

Anyway,had Cross-Country at Admiralty Park on Friday.Took a cab there with Junqi,and we reach there very late.lols,cause Junqi went back home to change his bag..hahas he say carry sling bag not presentable,so see me carry shoe bag,so he also follow me..hahas! surprise..Wee Sien,Jia Jun and Zi Ling did well..but so sad,nobody came in 1st.i thought maybe Wee Sien and Zi ling can help our class get a 1st position...but it did not turn out that way.Hmmm,anyway..i think they tried their best.Well Done!.
After that we went to Causeway Point to have our dinner,then went to play basketball...reach home at about 12am.Yesterday went for tuition,then friends came over to my house to do CME project.Haha,then Jinxing came over just to have dinner with us and play,some homework still undone..should have off the computer.hahas,just joking!
I guess i shall stop here for now...later going to my grandma house.See you soon.Take Care!