Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Hi all,..i am back once again from my monotonous lifestyle.Well,life hasn't been exciting nor has it been boring the past few weeks,put it simply,there has been exciting moments,and also boring times.

During the weekends,i went to Bert's chalet at Aranda.I would say its a birthday party i guess.We celebrated his Granny's,Father's and Brother's birthday.We had BBQ,catered,and some home-cooked food.One word to describe"Awesome"!..We played some card games,of course with forfeit..Haha!.The loser would have to drink.Overall,it was simply enjoyable.

We stayed up the whole night chit-chating.The next day,i went to work with a pair of panda eyes.Believe it or not,i fell asleep while replenishing the stocks.No choice,i asked for 1hr break.So took a nap for 1 hr and continue working.Haha,since i rest for 1hr,i work another hour to sort of repay.LOL!.

Oh yes,boss gave me a big cake from Prima cos i did not attend the company dinner.Thx lots!
Yesterday,bert,liang and Wei Kuan come over to sort of slack.Today,they actually coming here to stay over.Okok,i going out for dinner now.See You!

timmycancook counted snowflakes at 6:14 PM


  • A Lovely name of Timothy See was given to serve the Lord,to love and care for others

  • My 1st Cry was on 7th May 1992

  • I am a stubborn and easy go lucky person :D
  • My Wants

  • To be A good Chef with values

  • Do well in Culinary and Catering Management

  • Peace in the world

  • Good Friendships
  • My Likes

    ~My family

    ~My friends

    ~Watching football(EPL)

    ~Liverpool FC


    ~Lastly,I like to eat
    (especially buffet)

    Places to Go

    Benjamin Ang
    Terrence Low
    Teck Yi
    Jia Xiu
    Zi Ling
    Xiao Qing
    Sophia Quek
    Marcus Su
    Agnes Pang
    Timothy Joachim
    5A1 class blog
    NV Infocomm Club
    Cute Flash Games
    Are You Burned Out?
    Have Fun Here!


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    Quote of the Year

    If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.
    -Anne Bradstreet (1612 - 1672)

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