Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Hi peps,long time no blog le,i think my blog is almost dead like wad ShiHui said.Haha,i didn't post because i have nothing to post about and mainly because i had been very busy these past few weeks,with SSS and homework coming together.Anyway i don't think i will have the time to post so often le,so maybe will not post so frequently.
Today receive back my Chinese Test results.Yippee,i did better than the previous one,however just manage to past only(26/50).Got to work doubly hard,but how??...with the class so noisy and uncooperative,i dunno what to do.This coming Friday is X-Country,at Admiralty Park,and i don't feel like running,guess maybe i will take a fast walk?.
Alright,got to go study for my modulus function test tomorrow.See you again!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Phew!,back home. i had Combined Humans SSS lesson,without a teacher.Finish at 3.30pm,then went down to concourse to complete my A.Maths homework.Lol,how i know take so long to complete them.Quite a number of them could not mange to solve it,so ask Mr How,but he talking to Vice-Principal,and Principal,so don't want go and interrupt.How i know the talk would last so long...Haha,so very late then got the chance to clarify my doubts.But most of all,i manage to understand the questions.Yeah,i've cleared my doubts.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Today was very tiring and also bad.Tired because had P.E.,then stayed back after school to complete my homework.Anyway,the days we have P.E will always be tiring for me,hahas,every Tuesday lor.Ah Ha,bad day because money is lost in class.Not only our class money is stolen,but 5A2,and the 4Es,are also victims,except 4E1,hahas,lucky chaps.
Though my money is not stolen but my classmates and friends from other class is affected.You see,nobody like this kind of thing to happen on them,so kind of feel sorry towards them also.Some more the culprit is very alert and smart.He stole our money during our P.E lesson,where everyone is down at the school field,and the targets are somehow or rather better off financially.
So i guess the person who steal the money knows about our actions and moves.So who could it be?... i don't know,but i really hope that the person would own up for his mistakes.ITS NEVER TOO LATE,ONLY IF YOU ARE WILLING TO OWN UP.
Hi all,came back from granny's house very late last night,so didn't have the time to post.For today.erm...basically i went to church,then went back home sleep.Hahas,dunno why lately become very lazy,don't have the momentum to open my textbooks.Hope i will try to break out of this habit soon.Before i say "Bye",here is a joke to perk you.
Jerry was asked to make a sentence using 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10.
Not only did he do it 1 to 10, he did it again from 10 back to 1. This is what he came up with…..
1 day I go 2 climb a 3 outside a house to peep. But the couple saw me, so I panic and I 4 down. The man rushed out and wanted to 5 with me. I ran until I fell 6 and threw up. So I go into 7-eleven and grabbed some 8 to throw at him. Then I took a 9 and try to stab at him. 10 God he run away.
10 I put the 9 back and pay for the 8 and left 7-eleven. Next day I called my boss and told him I was 6. He said 5 , tomorrow also no need to come back 4 work. He also asked me to go climb a 3 and jump down! I don’t un derstand. I am so nice 2 him but I don’t know what he 1.
Hi all,how time flies,can you imagine that 1 week of February had just swept pass?.Anyway do you had a good week?.Regardless of whether it is good or bad,its already gone,so look forward.Today had singing session during morning assembly.Lol,sang the song"You'll Never Walk Alone",by Gerry and the Peacemakers.
I was a newbie to the access of the hall computer,so was like galang gabok at first,but somehow or rather i was getting the hang of it.Anyway,i still need more time to get adjusted.Luckily got my Vice-Chair to assist me,no matter what,she still has the experience,i guess so ba,if she still panics,erm..then there is really a problem,hahas!jk,jk.
By the the way,had got back my Chinese Composition.Just had 26/50.I did not improve my marks,why is this so?...i got to find out where the problem lies!.I guess it is the first time i did newspaper report/reflection,so i am not used to the concept,but i will try my best to do better the next time round.
Okok,i will end my post for now,in case you find me too whinny.Will update more tomorrow.Till then,Take Care and have a good weekend!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Finally got the chance step into the science lab to conduct experiments.Went to the physics lab to carry out the pendulum experiment,and then went to the chemistry lab to test out some salts.
Had combined English lecture at the AVA room today for lecture on teens conducted by Mrs Ho.
After school,i had SSS for chemistry at the chemistry lab as i had mentioned above.
Then went for Infocomm Club meeting.Oh yes,will be having computer duties during assembly starting tomorrow,so as to get me familiarize with the operations,so i can do a good job on 17th February(Total Defence Day).So,yup..just came back home.Alright,will update more tomorrow.Take Care!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Just came back not long ago.I was at school doing some homework.There is suppose to be SSS for Combined Humans today,but is was cancelled.Anyway,there will be SSS for Chemistry tomorrow,so yup...will be back late.
Haha,after school today,Jinxing,Zi Ling and QingYuan joined Jun Qi and me at the concourse to continue their homework after doing some at class.Then Jinxing ask Ms Thomas some question on summary writing.Then dunno how come talk ...talk... talk,talk until dogs.Then we started some crazy jokes.Wa lao eh,i laugh until my stomach pain.Lol,we were joking about _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.Hmmm,slowly guess ba,haha!.It has been very long since we sit down toget
her and have fun.Very happy today.Haha!
Anyway still left summary homework undone,...so got to go now...Bye Bye!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Hi all,so sorry for not posting yesterday.I had a tiring day yesterday.It was like rushing through everything in one day.Everybody seems to have taken the "choo choo train" medicine.Came back at 6.30pm,and i was already half -dead.
Furthermore yesterday is just the start of the 1st SSS,and i am already feeling exhausted,Phew!...how?.Surprisingly,it was the fast pace lesson yesterday that cause me to tire-out,and not the SSS.Hahas,hope the teachers could slow down abit.
Anyway,today i got back my A.Maths and Physics test.lol,i pass both,but 1 good the other bad.Physics is the latter.Got only 28/50 for Physics,and 35/40 for A.Maths.I guess i need to work and focus more and Physics,as i believe that it is also 1 of my weak subject.

By the way,congrats to Jun Qi for topping maths test with 38/40,and JinXing for Physics with 36/50.For my other classmates,all i can say is work harder,try again,and no doubt you will see the results.
My apologies for not posting yesterday.I was kept busy the whole day.Went tuition in the morning,then went to mum"s secondary school friend's house for a CNY visit.After that i came back home,take a nap so that i can get my homework done later in the night.
Went to church today morning,then went to the bank to update my bank book after lunch.Gonna be kept busy due to extra classes after school hours,almost everyday starting next week.Well thats a student life in Singapore.We can't complain,just hope that i can scrap through this last and important hurdle this year,which is every student fears,..."O"Levels.Hahas,but what is there to be afraid with God guiding and helping me along the way?
Just to add on,if you did not realise,it is already the 1st day of February.So has your January been a fruitful and meaningful one?...well i hope so.Got to go now,come back tomorrow for more.Have a great week ahead.Take Care!