My life seems monotonous these few days.Its like doing the same thing over and over again each day.I had a bad day today.Failed my MT test very badly with only 14.5/50.You may ask me what exactly happen,but i can seriously tell you,"i also don't know".
I guess is the jump in standard.This year just started to get exposed to "O"Level Chinese.Well,its just the first the time i took the "O" Level Chinese test,hope i will improve the next time round.I also got back my previous POA test,Praise The Lord,i pass well.Still waiting for Physics,Chemistry & A.Maths results.Hope the marks won't backfire.
If you notice,i had change my blog skin,reason being the previous one had limited space to put up information.This current one looks much presentable ba?....Okok,i will stop here,in case you find me too whinny.I know everybody hates that,and i am no exceptional.Have A Great Weekend!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Phew!..Just came back home from school.Stayed back to complete my homework,together with Jun Qi.Later still need to look through POA textbook to prepare for tomorrow test.LOL,..the test topic change liao.Will not be tested on single entry,instead it will be on Final Day Accounts-with adjustments.
Oh yeah!,had A.Maths test today.I guess should be able to do well ba?.Actually today very lucky.I forgotten to bring my storybook for silent reading,so i was thinking..finish la,need to stand liao.But luck was on my side,Mrs Ho knew i had no book,without hesitation,she lend hers to me.Wow,i breathe a sigh of relief,someone saved my day,lol..exaggerate a bit la.
Anyway,i still got to learn from my mistake,not to be so forgetful next time,for lady luck will not always be with me.Ok la,i got to revise for my POA test tomorrow.Signing off for now.See You again tomorrow.Take Care!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
As promise,i am back now..on Wednesday!Hahas.Has been very busy from Saturday to yesterday,busy visiting relatives.It was a good time spending some time meeting up with them,having a sumptuous dinner together..not because of the food but because of the taste.
Went to Jinxing house on Monday(26/1) at late,cause last minute planning.Joining us was Zi Ling,Elson & Wei Yi.[For his mercy is never ending,he answered my prayer with everlasting love.Thank GOD for his goodness faithfulness.]We then ton until 5am plus..i can't tahan doze off.Then second day went to granny house at 1pm...relatives talk talk..then came bk so late.Actually going to Zi Ling house de,but with no energy liao,and feeling so restless...i decided to head back home for a good sleep(+ A.Maths hw not done yet).Hahas,so if you think that i very hardworking....its utter rubbish.But anyway of course still manage to complete it at night.
Today went to school as usual.Lesson as per normal.Nothing much so i guess i will not elaborate much further.Having A.Maths test tomorrow and POA test the day after.Alright,i shall pause here for today.Come back tomorrow for more.HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Hi everyone,how was your day today?...Bad or Good?,hope is the latter.Anyway,it was a great day for me.I had POA and Geog lesson for the first half of the day.We were learning Incomplete Records during POA lesson,followed by CNY Concert after recess,haiz...sad,i was unable to fully enjoy the concert,cause was on duty to control the computer slides.
I guess the concert was magnificent ba?okok,not magnificent,but i believe it is one that appeals to a sophisticated,definitely much better than the last few years.Haha,anyway many Thanks to Mrs Ho and Mr &Mrs Chan for the Red Packets.I would like to take the opportunity to wish all of you a Happy Chinese New Year!.Just to let you know that i will not be posting till
next Wednesday(29/1)-after CNY because will be very busy going visiting .Till then,have a great Chinese New Year!Take Care.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
So sorry,unable to post yesterday as i was unwell.Luckily i felt better today then can go school.Haha...yesterday had Chem Mock Exam,and today got Physics Mock Exam.I think i would get a good result for Chem,but not for Physics i guess.I believe the good thing about mock exam is that it allows you to identify your weaker topics,so you can concentrate more on them(right??).
way,if you think that this is the end of a busy week,then you are wrong,i still have POA test tomorrow.This week is like test test test every other,luckily A.maths is being postponed after CNY,if not i dunno how to cope man!Anyway,i got back
the geog test today,haiz only got 8/14,i just dunno what went wrong,i guess i am just not clear about the chapter on Map Reading.As you see, i am very poor in finding those features and infrastructure on the map,+ the diagram on the map so tiny,and i don't have microscopic eyes,how to find the features required?
But hor there are friends in my class who can still surprisingly see those tiny tiny figures and they did well,,1 of them is Edbert.How did they mange to do it?I am really puzzled!Haha,but i admit that i was unsure abt sketching the cross maybe its time for me to cha
nge my spectacles?.Alright i guess i got to stop here for today,i need to prepare for the POA test tomorrow.Oh yeah!,tomorrow is sort of a half-day school ,as we are having CNY celebration after recess at 11.05am.Will update with more tomorrow .Thanks for viewing!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Hi all,school today was not too bad.I had PE today,we took height and weight and yeah!...i am not under nor overweight,just in the acceptable range.Then ran 4 rounds around the school track.Well,i got back my POA test.Hahas,i passed.(12.5/20),...i think that its not a commendable result,even though pass,as Mrs Ho said now is not about passing,but is about passing well.I guess i got to work harder...much harder.
Oh yes!,A.Maths test will be postponed to next Thursday(29/1).I think thats good news,since we have quite a number of test and exams this week,but on the other hand,we need to be exposed to these kind of pressure and stress,as it is no surprise that there will be many tests in a week,as you know graduating class is like that de ma.Really need to be hardworking,no chance to slack and idle around le.With that i end off with a verse from Nehemiah 8:10.Goodnight!
Nehemiah 8:10: "Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength." Because the "joy of the Lord is your strength!" Joy produces strength. And strength is needed to fight. You are called to "fight the good fight of faith" (1 Timothy 6:12).
Today school release early at 11:05am cause last year batch did well in "O"Levels.Thanks to them man!.Anyway i only reach home at 12pm cause got Infocomm Club meeting.I got back my Chemistry Quiz today,gotten 9/10.Thats a good start,i believe,All Glory To GOD!.Then had Chinese Test.Wa lao,i think the paper is tough man! maybe my Chinese no standard ba?
It was like so many words dunno how to read & write,How?.Anyway i tried my best le.By the way, just completed my Physics homework a while ago.haiz,but that is still not the end of m
y revision.Still got to emphasize more on the topics that i am unstable in. (Physics and also Chemistry)..This week is gonna be a very busy and tiring week.Okay i guess i got to sign off for now.Come back again tomorrow.See You again
& take Care!
I will not post what i did today because nothing special happen today.I went to church then visit my grandmother and reach home at about 6pm.Why not look at something new and fresh?how about that?I show you some weird stuff done by Singaporeans...and i think you will find it ridiculous!

Are you one of them who will do these weird stuff?Hope you are not!Haha..
Anyway,thanks for visiting,i got to go for now.Have a great week ahead.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Woke up very early today as need to attend tuition class.I did some question on Kinematics & Modulus Function.After tuition i went to Toa Payoh Central to buy my favourite buns,lol...but the store close le.haha,a wasted trip.So went back Yishun to buy vegetarian food,also same thing,close liao, no choice lor,i went to get a packet of duck rice.Then you know what,my dad also bought duck for so coincidental.

After lunch,i was like idling & slacking for about 1hr+.Then did some revision on my Chemistry & Physics for this coming Mock Exam next week.Next week is gonna be very hectic with 3 test and 2 mock exam in place.I had always wonder why all the test and exams come at the same time!(5A1,do you all notice that??).1 come all come,1 don't come all don't come.Why can't just spread out the test dates evenly?Anyway,don't feel offended,i am just expressing my thoughts and feelings.I guess i just got to do my best.haha,i shall sign off for now.Get back tomorrow for more updates.Goodnight!
Today had POA test on Bank Rec & Correction of errors.Theory questions blank diao.Other then that,the rest was able to was as usual in school,so nothing much to talk about.Tomorrow will be going for tuition.Anyway,this Monday half-day because of good "O"Level results.So gonna miss 4 periods of A.Maths.Over the weekend need to prepare for test & Mock exams next week.Thats all for today.I will update with more tomorrow.Have a great weekend.Before going off,take a look at this,i saw this ridiculous news on STOMP.
A Passenger caught another commuter eating on the Public transport
Are You one of them?.......
Thursday, January 15, 2009
So sorry,yesterday did not manage to post.I was very tired yesterday as i slept late the previous night.Well,we just had our English banding yesterday.I went to band 1..haha,Ms Thomas.But the thing i don't like is we need to shift i very lazy de,haha.My English Diagnostic test get 21/40 nia.How to do well for "O"Level English?haiz..must work very hard,bo bian.
Well,nothing special happen in school today.I had Infocomm Club meeting after sch at 2.30pm.We gonna have a camp during the March Holidays.Looking foward to it.Meeting finish at about 5pm.There will be lots of Tests and Mock Exams coming next week.OK,I've got to sign off for now.I am having a POA Test tomorrow,so need to go study le.I will update again tomorrow.Take Care!
(Sorry,no pictures today)
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Today was like no other day,a day i need to go to school,study,then go home.I was thinking what to post today because i have run out of ideas what to post le as days go by.How??Ok la,i will talk about what happened today okay?.We had PE lesson,but did not do much because a lot of pupils do not have proper PE attire.Haiz!
We just run a 2 rounds around the school.Ya thats my PE lesson for today,ridiculous right?.I am still looking foward to the day where we as a class can play a game together,furthermore this is our last year together liao.Alright,enough about PE.Today did not learn much things in school.I period of MT lesson listening to music(related to the Chapter we studying currently).Then got 2 free period of physics,cause Ms Chan on MC.POA just do 2 question nia then go to hall for assembly,Mr Yeo declare a half day off on Monday(19/1) due to good "O" level results in school.Then wad?You know? over liao.
Then went to 400+ to get ring file,cause school too ex.How do i know 400+ more ex.So went bk school then met Mrs Ho.Ask whether she had any unwanted ring file.Surprisingly she had a lot.LOL,waste time go to 400+.Anyway today was very relaxing cause did nothing much plus no homework given.Very seldom got no homework de,but still need to do self-revision cause this year very crucial,cannot play play.Haha,anyway everything went smooth-sailing today.

God loves me so much that he gave me a B3 for my E.Maths,and i am really thankful for that.He blesses me abundantly,and i am awed at his love to me.I was expecting a B4,and was terrified i would have to retake it,but his mercies is never ending,he gave me the grade that i had always desire.
Oh yes,almost forgotten,i predicted the wrong score for the 2nd consecutive time. i thought it was a draw for the big match yesterday,however,Manchester United thrashed Chelsea with three goals,from Vidic,Rooney and Berbatov at Stamford Bridge today morning.What a surprise.Anyway,5A1 has done very well for E.Maths("O"Level).We had 100% passes and 25% distinction.Well done 5A1!
Haha,even we can't qualify for the Phuket trip,we still have a High Tea coming our way(right Mrs Ho?)!I would like to thank Mr How for his guidance and Mrs Ho for her encouragement.Thank You so much.I have overcome the first obstacle in

Hi all,today Sunday le,time passes so fast.Went to church in the morning,was on duty in the nursery.The toddlers all so cute,juz feel like pinching their cheeks,ha...dun get the wrong idea,i am absolutely not a pervert.Frankly speaking i adore & also enjoy playing with kids.Went back home after service cause got to finish my A.Maths homework.

Oh ya,remember the score that i predicted yesterday?,i was totally wrong lor.Liverpool were held to a goalless draw against Stoke City this sad :( anyway tonight's BIG MATCH is Chelsea VS Manchester United.Hope they will draw,cause any team that wins will not do Liverpool any good.Desmond New!...are you reading this?if so, don't be angry hor.As a Liverpool fan,must support my club mah!.I will go for 2 all.Lets see whether my prediction zun bo tomorrow.
Speaking about tomorrow,we will be receiving our E.Maths results liao,so fast leh.Even though,i have no reason to be worried for JESUS IS THE COMFORTER OF MY SOUL AND I WILL FIND REST IN HIM ALONE.AMEN!.Thanks for reading,will continue to update you tomorrow.Have a pleasant week ahead.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Today did not go for maths tuition,cause involved in CCA Open House.Went to school at about 7.30am to help in the Infocomm Club.We expected 30 entries,but only receive 15,haha,we want quality,not quantity,rite?.Then reach home at around 1pm.Was so tired,i went to sleepzzz.

Around 5pm,went to xiao yi's house for family gathering.Ben & Jeremy had a Nintendo WII,they were so engrossed about the new gadget they have.After dinner, my cousins play some WII games,if i am not wrong,one of them is the Beijing Olympics Games 2008 ba,i watch them play,it looks very interesting,lol but i did not play,dunno why,like it does not attract my attention at i went to blog lor.
Went back at about 10pm.Oh yes!...
Monday(12/1) "O"Level results will be release.2 more days to go.By the way,Tonight at 1.30am,Liverpool will take on Stoke away.My prediction(Stoke 1 Liverpool 4).I guess i will sign off for now.Will update again tomorrow.Have a good weekend!

Hi all,last day of week 1 for term 1 le.Next week have lots of tests and mock exams coming up, got to prepare for it.Well nothing much happen today.Started the day with a piece of bad news i guess...First thing in the morning,Ms Thomas say"POA test next Friday!"...Hiaz.Anyway,complain so much also no had geography lesson.Learn about gradient of slope,and did some wkshts.Then had CDP followed by MT lesson.
After school,when going back with Ben,Mdm You asked us to help carry tables for 2moro CCA Open House.Then later, kana maligned by someone.I was like Arrrrrghhh!!,..forget it,spoil my whole day mood liao.Sian!.After reaching home,bathe le then on my computer to do some updating stuff.Then went to study some physics and almost fall asleep.So thats a
bout all for today.Thank You for reading and have a great weekend ahead!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Today was a hectic day.Went to school as usual..during CDP lesson, Mrs Ho told us some o
f her secrets,as the previous lesson,we ask her some question that we always wish to know about,i did not expect her to really answer our question.haha,..i thought she just say say nia!,but i was wrong.Then after recess,we had English Diagnostic test.1hr 10 mins only but need to complete 1 situational writing & compre,...haiz,sian ji bua.But still manage to complete it on time.
After school,4E/5N(of course,including my class) went to NYP open house.At first we went into a theatre for briefing,then got gifts on every chair for,i so lucky the seat i took got 2 bags instead of 1.,ha,of course i took both of it lor.Then went to visit a few courses,including their niche course,nursing.The programme end at about 5pm.
Then went to visit my grandma at TTSH.All glory to GOD,she looks much better now.Stay there till about 7.45pm then went home.After resting for a while,went to complete my
homework.Time passes so quickly, 8th January 2009 is over.But i have to say that its a wonderful day after all!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
As usual i went to school at 8.15am today because every Wednesday school starts late(8.40am).Finally gotten the school magazine.I think the mag was better than the previous year lor.Last year was like no information,just pictures.This year at least got after recess we had Geography lesson.Learn it was supposed to be taught in Sec 1,but all of us forgotten le...ha,so embarrassing rite?.Then English lesson did some situational writing.Then we were late for Mt class,so kana told off by teacher...haiz.
Stay back after school to have lunch and then complete the English homework that was given in class.After that went to look for Mrs Ho to ask about some compo writing and some clarification on the writing.Then Mr how broke the news that the release of the "O"Level results has been brought foward to 12th Jan.Wow i was like "so early"?.Anyway GOD is always faithful,and i believe he knows whats best for me,for he is in control of all things.Amen!
It seems like a long day today.Went to school as usual wearing my PE-Shirt thinking there was PE Lesson.3rd period,PE teacher came in to class say got no PE today.Wa lao... sian ji bua!.Then Mr Tan talk to us about some YOG matters.Our school will be involved and we will be partnering Lebanon during YOG.
After recess was Physics lesson.Went through the Holiday Assignment,while some mischievous people were playing a fool at the back.Then was POA,went to commerce room(enjoy air-con).LOL....jk.Who dare to do nothing,..(nobody dare to play a fool during that 2
periods)....if not,..haha,they are in for trouble.Anyway manage to complete quit a number of questions.The good thing about this lesson is there will never be homework given...Haha.
Then I,Jun Qi,Qing Yuan,Desmond,JinXing & some girls stayed back to complete some homework.In Between,there was a short performance put up by NCC.Then went home about 5pm.Phew..!,...a tiring but fruitful day indeed!

I kicked start my day with Chemistry.Our new Chemistry teacher,Mdm Phua gave us a "warming up" lesson by doing a worksheet on Chapter 1.So long did not touch chemistry,so quite a number of facts was forgotten.Then went for MT class.We started the 1st Chinese lesson in 2009 by doing"Chinese compo"...phew!,..tiring,but manage to complete it before school ends.
Then after recess,we had 4 periods of A.Maths.LOL,..Mr How looked more stressed than us.(cause 4 periods)-thought of switching with Mrs Ho.Haha,don't know whether she wants a not.Some more got diagnostic Eng
lish test on Wed(7/1) and chemistry mock exam in 2 weeks time.Studying really not easy...
After school(at home), did A.Maths homework,but got 2 parts did not manage to get the answers..Sian!.Today was also the last episode of Little Nyonya,...this drama is superb!DIE DIE MUST WATCH.Basically that was what happen today.
Praise The Lord!
I went to the Community Centre to collect my EDUSAVE SCHOLARSHIP containing a certificate & a cheque.There was a lot of people taking the award and i was the last few to get it(waited for so long),haha.The GOH was Assoc Prof HO Peng Kee.He gave a short speech then started to gave out the awards.It was a great feeling to have a picture taken with him and a warm handshake.His handshake was an affirmation to me,to continue to press on.Well, was an encouragement to me too.
Jun Qi was also there to collect the award.Congratulations to all the students who receive the award.Well Done!